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The M-CODE: Liberation of Peri-menopause

July 22, 20249 min read

There is a force that is formless, rich in possibilities and is beyond physical form. It is a creative desire that seeks to achieve satisfaction. 

In our younger years of sensual exploration we are driven by lustful urges, as creative desire is seeking to explore itself via the doorway of satisfaction. It is healthy to explore in the journey of learning about who we are, what we like and what we don’t like. The creative desire of lust is a powerful force with many layers of expression and for many this ‘force' has become shackled and suppressed by shame, compartmentalised by guilt and suffocated by sin. As a result this creative force of desire is made wrong. This elixir we are offered in our many years of exploration offers a drop of the nectar of the potential of creation of the eternal now. 

Take a moment to pause, and observe any sensations that arise in your body. 

  • A warmth or tingling, perhaps, a throb of creative desire infused with excitement?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable or some shame arises? 

  • Do you feel numb & disconnected?  

  • Does it feel like the lights are on and no one is in the room of your pelvis? 

No matter what you experience, it is perfect. You are already whole and never broken.

This force is omnipresent and is infused within the sacred elixir of your menstrual blood, each month this force is released, that is until she enters the transitory phase of peri-menopause. There is a misconception of thinking or viewing women as less desirable when her monthly bleed ends, this is not true! It is my intention of shifting this limited view point as women enter a powerful time of liberation and are guided how to access this potent elixir of creative desire. Let’s explore the path to liberation.

Peri-menopause, menopause & post-menopause

Peri-menopause is a term meaning 'around menopause' and as a natural transition marking the end of reproductive years. A time where the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina becomes irregular, that is until she has gone 52 weeks without a bleed and has one day of menopause, to enter the final phase of post-menopause. A powerful time of freedom and liberation as a woman enters a deeper appreciation of what it means to be in her prime.

The M-Code

The ‘M-code’, is a term that came to me in 2017. It was a time of my personal journey of sexual exploration and remembering an inner power I'd suppressed with shame. This force directed into poetry, books and channelling codes through my words, movement and light language. An explosion of creative desire seeking expression within achievement and satisfaction, it was a birthing of six books in succession, with triplets, a book trilogy, a final explosion. 

Sacred codes of womb wisdom as I self-explored menstrual blood rituals, creating art, sigils and even placing my own menstrual blood under my tongue. It was an honouring of my womb within, the cosmic womb and Earth’s womb, our planet. This is explored in my book ‘Wildflower’ - reclaiming a sacred place. A time of brewing codes for the New Earth, as my bleed became less regular. and unknowingly I was entering the peri-menopausal phase of being a woman. 

The M-Code is about the feminine body, as a Holy vessel where inner power flows freely, and sacred codes of wisdom to unlock within you. A woman’s most sacred temple, her Yoni, the gateway, guiding the masculine home as she goes through these deep and dark depths of surrendering.

To read - available in my shop: WILDFLOWER - Reclaiming a Sacred Place

The M-Code: Maiden, mother, muse, menses, sage, magnetism, magnetically charged sacred waters, mystical, mystery, magickal, Mary, Magdalene Codes, secret ancient wisdom and codes with her holy temple.

The M-Code is a framework to support women during all the Goddess phases, Maiden - Mother - Sage/Crone. 

Phases of the Goddess

The M-Code is the sacred essence of womanhood, guiding us through the phases of life—from Maiden phase marked by our first menstrual bleed, to the Mother phase of nurturing and caring for others, and finally to the Crone/Sage phase, where we become the wise elders and keepers of the wisdom to pass on.  Each offers their own unique acceptance, deeper understanding & surrender to the formless creative desire seeking satisfaction. 

The Maiden

The Maiden is a canvas of rich fertility and innocence, where the physicality is full and ripe. As a woman goes through these stages she may lose some of her physical ripeness that she once embodied in her younger Maiden years. These stages bring hormonal changes beyond our control, presenting powerful opportunities to alchemise and create. 

The Mother

This includes all women who in this natural phase nurture and birth creative ideas, thus a deeper understanding of giving and caring for others & a taste of unconditional love. One who has been pregnant with a child and carried a child in her womb, will understand the intricate balance and this inner power of creative wisdom and a healthy body to support healthy development of the unborn child. Giving birth, the ultimate surrender as the creative force of nature moves through her, birthing new life, and the cycle of creative desire continues….

The Sage / Crone

The transition from Mother to Sage is marked by irregular monthly cycles, sometimes months without bleeding, and the stirring of womb codes accompanied by natural bodily changes. This shift from fertility to wisdom can feel like an emotional rollercoaster, leaving many women feeling isolated and alone in their journey. The transformative phases of peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause, times of continued embodiment and profound empowerment. Many women mistakenly see this as the end, but it is the beginning of true liberation. 

This period is not about decline but about awakening to a deeper sense of self, freedom, and profound inner wisdom.

Full Moon

Lunar connection

A woman's menses are influenced by one another and the phases of the moon as a body. Men as a divine vessel (body) are also influenced by the women around him and phases of the moon as a body, yet, men do not have menstrual bleeds, to be clear, as men do not have a uterus! This is a biological fact. 

Each human being is affected by the moon, and a full moon offers a time of stillness, introspection, exploring the cold inner depths of the sacred waters, a process of navigating chaos to stillness. It is the time of the Bull Full Moon, 20-23rd July, 2024

Lotus flower

Creative Desire as Will

The formless invisible substance of creative desire is the same as Will. They are two sides of the same coin. Will is ever present, the invisible substance that the individual gets to act upon or not. Will is always free, Desire is always free. It is our choice whether or not to act upon will or/and desire. Desire is often misunderstood as being viewed as wrong and yet, it is our creative desire that is the inner spark of our soul’s free expression. This requires a deeper exploration, this i’ll add:

Every choice has a consequence, and every consequence is a result of the choice made. Thus, offering opportunity for growth, deeper acceptance and understanding. 

Creative Desire and Will contain immense wisdom available in each present moment—a gift we receive anew with every heartbeat. We each get to make choices within this invisible substance of possibility.  

As women age, wisdom emerges and this makes her highly attractive and magnetic. This ‘retaining power of emergence’, has the potential to increase creative desire as it is no longer lost through a monthly bleed or an ovum choosing to create new life, or not. Likewise for men, the holding of his ejaculation and choosing wisely when his semen fertilises the ovum (creative desire to breed), the retaining of semen causes creative desire to grow stronger and more potent, ‘retaining power of emergence’. As a man ripens in maturity his expression of creative desire changes as he seeks to achieve a deeper level of satisfaction and connection. 

Creative Desire and Will unexpressed leads to apathy, depression and a loss of lustre in one’s life. The inner sparkle smolders in a smoky haze of confusion.

WildPower of the Feminine

May you begin to see that there is an inner bloom and beauty that is far more powerful than physical form that is ever changing. 

  • Are you ready to bloom and shine?

  • To attune to your soul’s essence

  • Align with your inner calling, and

  • Become the magnetic woman of desire?

I am here to guide you as a catalyst for change. It’s time to meet the edges of your discomfort with curiosity and unlock the sacred codes and wisdom within you. I live and breathe Eros in life and spirit.

So, what is Eros?

Eros is the Greek god of love and sex, representing action taken from a place of desire and inner excitement. It is the formless, invisible substance of creative desire.

In Greek mythology, Eros, the god of love and passionate desire, strikes at the heart without warning. Though sometimes misunderstood, Eros also symbolises the universal passion for the well-being and fulfilment of all life. Find what excites you and share it with the world. 

Plato believed that Eros was foundational in the creation of the Universe. Desire is Creative.

Embracing Eros focuses you, making you feel youthful while opening your heart and grounding you. When we live with Eros, we remain vibrant and alive, radiating a magnetic energy that comes from deep within. Knowing what we want from the soul, we engage in a healthy dance of exchange, love, and respect.

Not all desires need to be sexual to carry the same magnetism and passion. 

Ask yourself: 

  • Are you in love with your life? 

  • What excites you?

  • Do you feel waves of joy wash over you when you think about the possibilities before you?

  • Can you focus on your dreams with an open heart? 

  • Do you cherish your community and wish for their fulfilment?

Living with Eros means weaving intentional, focused desires into every aspect of your life. It’s about falling in love with the process of creation and connection. 

The seasons and moon cycles of a woman's life, including peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause, are powerful times of inner transformation. Embrace each season, cycle and change as opportunities to deepen your connection with yourself, move gracefully, and to remain youthful in spirit. These phases are not an end but a profound new beginning, offering liberation and a renewed sense of purpose.

Both men and women are sensitive to the seasons, the rhythms of nature, and the elements active within our bodies. We are sensitive to one another and when we can each accept and understand ourselves better then we can accept and understand one another on this journey of understanding what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. 

If you’d like to explore learning how to live life with Eros and be supported in your journey.

Go here:

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